Richland County Resource Directory

The Directory is a great tool to find resources that are very helpful to the area. In it, you will find information to assist you in Child Care Assistance, Employment, Housing Assistance, & Emergency Assistance just to name a few.

Healthy Holiday Eating!

Holiday feasts are wonderful and bring memories of visiting relatives, places, times, and favorite dishes. Of course, our eyes always seem bigger than our stomachs. Healthy eating habits can help us to celebrate the holidays eating all our favorites but also keep us on track with good practices.

Safe & Healthy: Planning for Thanksgiving!

It is officially time for turkey with all the fixings that find their way onto our tables. Many of us will be wondering how to prepare a dish, what to do first, how to do it safely so we aren’t sick, and how will we do it all. Here are some tips for a successful holiday dinner.

Stop Seasonal Stress with a Holiday Spending Budget

Let’s face it, it is the middle of November and your thoughts have turned to turkey with all the fixings as well as shopping. The stress of trying to come up with money for everything can be a little daunting. Here are some tips to help ease the way for this holiday season.

Gaining weight part of summer for many kids

Ahhh, summertime! Time for fun! Time for playing! Time for … learning to how to maintain healthy weights. Summertime can be a time when paying attention to what we eat isn’t always a high priority. But it can be! Here are some ways to keep summertime healthy.

Healthy Habits Can Save You Money!

Healthy eating doesn’t have to be expensive or painful. Small changes to your lifestyle can lead to big changes in your health, wealth, and long-term goals. Here are 10 tips that can give you a leg up on changing your life for the better.

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