Tri-State Ag Lender’s Seminar 2024
The Ag Lender’s seminar will be held in Dubuque, IA on Oct 29, 2024. Featured topics include: machinery values, farm transition planning, as well as market updates.
The Ag Lender’s seminar will be held in Dubuque, IA on Oct 29, 2024. Featured topics include: machinery values, farm transition planning, as well as market updates.
The FEED Summit is being held Oct 28 & 29 in Milwaukee. A variety of topics, networking, food, and field trips are being offered, Register now!
Our new Human Development & Relationships (HDR) Educator, Sarah Kubiak, will be working with Richland County residents and families on their financial goals.
Our new FoodWIse Educator, Monica Diaz, will be working with Richland and Vernon counties in Nutrition and healthy behaviors.
Wisconsin Cover Crop Citizen Science Project has been working with farmers to build a knowledge base about Wisconsin Cover Crops. Join in and be a part of the network!
Hazelnuts are an emerging new crop for the Upper Midwest with significant economic and environmental benefits.
1 week, 5 field days, and a variety of topics. Join us!
Elevando Wisconsin es un programa educativo culturalmente relevante donde las personas perfeccionan sus habilidades de liderazgo y se preparan para roles de liderazgo.
Elevando Wisconsin is a culturally relevant educational program where individuals hone leadership skills and prepare for
leadership roles.
Our new Regional Livestock Educator, Beth McIlquham will be working with Crawford, La Crosse, Richland, and Vernon county livestock producers.