Richland County Resource Directory

The Directory is a great tool to find resources that are very helpful to the area. In it, you will find information to assist you in Child Care Assistance, Employment, Housing Assistance, & Emergency Assistance just to name a few.

“Jumping Worm” – Amynthas spp.

Amynthas species, invasive earthworms from temperate regions of Asia, were found in limited areas near the Visitor Center in fall 2013. Commonly called “jumping worms” or “crazy worms,” Amynthas have since been found elsewhere in Wisconsin, primarily in urban areas. What can you do and how to identify them are topics addressed in this article.

Creating Safe Play Areas on Farms

What does your play area on the farm look like? Is there a clear line between the play area and the busy farm areas? What do you look for? Large equipment and livestock, coupled with a child’s curiosity, can lead to a tragic incident. Therefore, it is important to create a play area for children that is both fun and safe with a physical barrier separating it from the busy, active workplace of the farm. All these questions and more are answered by Jana Davidson, Education Content Specialist, Progressive Agriculture Foundation.

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