Land Rental Resources

Establishing a Starting Point for Land Rent Price

Building a Rental Agreement That Works

Pasture rent – 3 Basic Methods:

1. As a general rule of thumb pasture rent is approximately 50-70% of crop land.  High quality pasture fences and water access would demand 70%, where average to poor quality pasture would only command 50% the value of crop land.

2. Pasture rents can also be determined on a per head basis which usually runs any where from $8-$20 per animal unit per month.  An animal unit is considered 1000 pounds of animal.  However, horses are usually figured at 150% because of the impact they have on pastures. For example, a large 1000 lb horse is equal to 1.5 animal units.

3. The third way to determine pasture rent is on pounds of gain.  This usually runs at a rate of $.25 – $.75 per pound.

NOTE: As per the USDA National Agricultural Statistics Service the average Cash Rent for non-irrigated cropland was $123 per acre in 2024 and pasture rent was $31.00 per acre in 2024 for Richland County.

WI County Cash Rent for cropland and pasture 2024


Ag Lease 101

Free Lease Agreements (Midwest Plan Service)

Flexible Lease Agreements (IA State)

Selected Farm Rents, Rates, and Values

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