We welcome Sarah Kubiak as the new Human Development and Relationships Educator in Richland County.

Her goal is to bring research based financial education to Richland County to empower residents to achieve their financial goals and successfully manage money to meet their financial priorities.
Sarah earned her bachelor’s degree in Astronomy – Physics and Life Sciences Communication from the University of Wisconsin-Madison. During her time in Madison, she volunteered extensively with science organizations, like the UW Astronomy Department and the Badgerland Girl Scouts to disseminate complex science information to diverse audiences.
She recently earned her master’s degree in Journalism and Media Communications from Colorado State University, and her thesis focused on how science personalities on social media can have an impact on how science is perceived in society. While in Colorado, Sarah also worked as a graduate teaching assistant and as a Horticulture Communications Intern at CSU Extensions where she created a communications plan to more effectively communicate information to Colorado horticulturists.
Sarah’s primary aim is to provide programming and education that meets the needs of the community. As she delves deeper into understanding Richland County and the financial priorities of community members, please feel free to reach out with ideas or questions.
She can be reached via email: sarah.kubiak@wisc.edu or phone: 608-647-6148.